
Skidmore News


火博体育学院米兰达家庭奖学金的前五名获得者,这是一个为学生提供的新机会,旨在为戏剧事业的发展提供教育和长期支持, dance, music, and arts administration, 并帮助增加娱乐行业领导层的多样性-被选中. 


Colleagues, friends, family, 社区领袖在6月22日的聚会上为火博体育的传奇副校长兼招生和经济援助主任庆祝.  

Skidmore community talks Pride

Wyckoff Center hosted the panel “对话中的酷儿”以及6月22日的骄傲月庆祝活动. 

Human Resources

Human Resources invites interested Skidmore employees to submit 职位空缺申请材料如下:


Position openings 

  • Assistant Director – Office of Sponsored Research
  • 企业和基金会关系高级副总监 Advancement


To apply, please access the Okta portal. 点击“Oracle HCM”,点击“我”,然后点击“当前工作”."你可以访问目前的空缺职位 external applicants here. 

☀️ Summer at Skidmore ☀️

June 29 – July 12 events:

Skidmore Jazz Institute 

Tickets can be purchased online. 除非另有说明,活动将在亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心举行.  

  • Skidmore Faculty All-Stars, 8 p.m., Thursday, June 29 
  • 火博体育爵士学院学生音乐会,1便士.m., Friday, June 30 (free and open to the public)
  • Miguel Zenon Quartet, 8 p.m., Wednesday, July 5 
  • Skidmore Faculty All-Stars, 8 p.m., Thursday, July 6 
  • 火博体育爵士学院学生音乐会,1便士.m., Friday, July 7 (free and open to the public) 
  • Poetry & Jazz²:《火博体育官网》,以及 Bill Cunliffe, 8 p.m., Friday, July 7, Caffe Lena


New York State Summer Writers Institute


  • Novelist Claire Messud and memoirist Honor Moore, 8 p.m., Thursday, June 29 
  • 诗人格雷戈里·帕多和小说家兼回忆录作家伊丽莎白·本尼迪克特,8页.m., Friday, June 30
  • Memoirist Phillip Lopate and poet Campbell McGrath, 8 p.m., Monday, July 3 
  • 小说家、回忆录作家玛丽·戈登和诗人罗珊娜·沃伦,共8页.m., Tuesday, July 4
  • 诗人Katha Pollitt Panel和作家协会的学生:作家与审查文化,” 8 p.m., Wednesday, July 5 
  • Novelist Mary Gaitskill and novelist Calvin Baker, 8 p.m., Thursday, July 6 
  • Poetry & Jazz²: An Evening with former U.S. 桂冠诗人罗伯特·平斯基和格莱美获奖音乐家托德·库曼(贝斯手)和比尔·康利夫(钢琴) Caffe Lena, 8 p.m., Friday, July 7
  • 小说家艾米·亨佩尔和诗人蔡斯·特威切尔,8页.m., Monday, July 10 
  • 小说家宾尼·科申鲍姆和诗人佩格·博耶斯,下午8点.m., Tuesday, July 11


Events at the Tang Teaching Museum 


On view at the Tang

  • 《火博体育官网》将持续到7月16日  
  • “Face to Face,” through July 16  
  • 《火博体育》,至8月. 20  
  • “电梯音乐46:莫莉·乔伊斯——透视”,至8月. 20  
  • “海德内阁第21号:第51号”,至8月11日. 20  
  • 《火博体育》(Lauren Kelley: Location scout)至9月11日. 10


Who’s on campus? 


Summer Bulletin publication schedule   

Through Aug. 23, the Bulletin will be published biweekly 只分发给教职员工. It will also be posted online. 提交给教职员工成就部分将在夏季不被接受,并将在秋季再次接受. 该公报将于7月12日和26日以及8月8日出版. 9 and 23. 《火博体育》将于八月复刊. 30. Submit announcements by completing the online form. 所有提交的截止日期是周一中午. Please email swb@dream-messenger.com if you have questions. 


Update on April 22 burglaries 

A joint 校园安全部门和萨拉托加斯普林斯警察局的共同努力逮捕了两名嫌疑人, who are not affiliated with Skidmore, 在约翰逊大厦顶层的盗窃案中 April 22. The two Washington County residents 在萨拉托加县法院出庭前被释放了吗. An i其他入室盗窃和破坏公物的调查 over the same weekend continues.


New teletherapy provider for students 

现在学生的远程治疗服务 offered through the BetterMynd platform. While Skidmore’s relationship with TimelyCare will be officially terminated on July 1, 学院将继续为学生提供接触不同类型治疗师的机会 BetterMynd platform for up to 12 sessions per academic year. The Counseling Center remains 可供学生参加面对面的会议. For more information, visit the Counseling Center’s website. 


Red Cross Blood Drive

火博体育将在周三举办红十字献血活动, July 12, 在威廉姆森体育中心的多功能厅. To schedule an appointment, visit redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code SKIDMORE. 


Facilities Services updates

在社区花园和威金大厅之间的一个新的地热田的工作将持续到整个夏天. 麦卡弗里-瓦格曼网球和健康中心的爆破将间歇性地持续几个星期. 拉德大厅将在夏季剩余的时间里关闭,以进行施工. For more information, please contact Facilities Services.


Summer Snack Party

欢迎大家参加下午2点至3点的夏季小吃派对.m. 7月12日,星期三,在伯吉斯咖啡馆和案件中心外的露台上. Additional details will be shared soon.


Join CDPHP Cycle! Bike share for free! 

To register, download the CDPHP Cycle 应用到你的手机上,订阅你的Skidmore邮箱地址, submit promo code "Skidmore," and you're ready to ride. Pedal bikes are free to ride for College community members, and e-bikes are free for the first 30 minutes. Please contact Jen Natyzak with any questions. 



亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心将欢迎Tank和Bangas乐队, a funky, 来自新奥尔良的受福音启发的嘻哈乐队, to its stage on Friday, Nov. 10. T音乐会的门票将于6月30日开始销售. A free 由乐队创始人朗诵诗歌 《火博体育》将于11月11日(周四)在唐教馆举行. 9.



戈尔山已停止其公司季票折扣计划, 火博体育员工及其家属的折扣通行证也不再适用. Please visit the Gore website 有关季票的更多信息. Note that Aug. 9月9日是2023-24赛季最低季票价格的截止日期. Please contact Carol Schnitzer for more information.


The Orchard Project 2023 Arts Festival  

The Orchard Project, which is now resident at Skidmore, 将激动人心的戏剧故事讲述者带到萨拉托加斯普林斯,以开发下一代新戏剧和音乐剧. 邀请火博体育社区的成员 7月7日至9日,周末有戏剧、表演和工作坊. For more information, contact Ari Edelson or Eunice Ferreira.


Dining Services 

餐饮服务部从上午11:30开始提供快闪烧烤.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday on Case Walkway. The grill features a menu of hot dogs, burgers (both beef and plant-based), as well as grilled chicken. 套餐包括你选择的烧烤项目,两面,和饮料. 夏季时间的水疗中心,伯吉斯,中庭,和默里-艾金斯食堂可在 Dining Services website  


Skidmore Shop 

Now through Oct. 2, save on a Mac and get free AirPods, or 保存在iPad上,就可以获得免费的苹果铅笔. Visit Skidmore Shop for more information.

Questions about Bulletin?


Skidmore College


 815 North Broadway

 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
